Norwich Story Walks

Norwich Story Walks

Need to know

Opening Times
Various days and times available
See website for details
Guide / Assistance Dogs
Get in touch
[email protected]
Social media

With Norwich Story Walks, history meets eccentricity in a whirlwind of storytelling adventure! Step into a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane transforms into the bizarre. Our theatrical guided walking tours blend fun, quirkiness, and informative narratives, promising an unforgettable journey through Norwich’s hidden histories. Join us as we unravel tales of peculiar characters, unearth hidden gems, and showcase the offbeat side of our beloved city. Get ready for a walk like no other – where every step is filled with wonder and whimsy!

New for 2024 is:

The Norwich Weird & Wonderful Story Walk

  • 90-minute guided walking tour
  • Theatrical host/guide
  • Various days of the week (see website for schedule)
  • Start: 7:30pm* @ City Hall (between the lions)
  • End: 9:00pm* @ Arboretum, St Benedicts Street / City Hall
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Dogs on leads are fine
  • Children 16 and under come free
  • £10/person

*Some tours do vary – check website to confirm

Whether you are a local looking to delve deeper into the quirkiness of your hometown or a visitor seeking an alternative travel experience, our Weird & Wonderful Story Walk is the perfect choice for an unforgettable adventure through the streets of Norwich.

Private Tours are available starting at £100 for up to 10 people and can be made bespoke to a group/occasion/theme.

Gift Certificates are also available and can even be delivered by a costumed host by arrangement.

Coming Soon:

  • Norwich His Story Walk – Uncovering tales of the city’s favourite sons….as well as some who are not so popular.
  • Norwich Her Story Walk – Celebrating the achievements of the city’s most illustrious daughters…as well as some who are not quite so worthy.

Norwich Story Walks are a small, independent, local business who aim to give people visiting or living in Norwich excellent experiences on the streets of the Fine City.

Get New Eyes On An Old City!