The Frog & The Princess and other stories


Returning to Stage after their sold out performance of “Alice in Wonderland” in 2024, Box Tale Soup present a stunning adaptations of The Frog & The Princess and other stories.

What if wishes were granted? What if magic was real? When a Storyteller appears everyone is enchanted…

Beasts and breadcrumbs, wolves and witches, but all Froggy really wants is to hear a story starring someone like him. Head into the woods with Hansel & Gretel, help little elves make beautiful shoes, meet the princess who’s champion of hide-and-seek, and see if Froggy finally gets his wish!

Box Tale Soup present a stunning adaptation of Grimm’s most magical tales, featuring wonderful puppets and spellbinding original music… Now let’s have a story about a Frog!

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