Easter Wreath Making with British Blooms

Creative Quarter Over the Water

In this 2.5 hour workshop, you will have a lovely time making a beautiful spring wreath for you to display either outside on your front door, inside, or to use as a centerpiece on your table.

A wonderful selection of seasonal fresh foliage, spring flowers, dried flowers, and adornments will be provided for you to choose from. Get creative and make a truly beautiful and unique wreath!

Using a natural grape vine style base, you will be guided on how to moss your wreath base before learning wreath-making techniques such as how to make beautiful ‘bundles’ of foliage and floral elements and how to attach spring flowering bulbs to your wreath.

Spring bulbs, foliage, and dried flowers last a long time on a wreath, and when your bulbs have finished flowering, you can save them for planting out in your garden or pots in autumn. If you leave your bulbs on your wreath, as long as you provide them moisture, they will come back again next spring!

Demonstrations of each stage will be provided, and your tutor will be on hand throughout the workshop.

All ingredients, tools, materials, and guidance are provided, and refreshments will be available during the workshop.