125th Anniversary of the Royal Arcade

Castle and Marketplace

Friday 24th May marks the 125th anniversary of the opening of the Royal Arcade in Norwich and there is plenty of celebrations going on in and around the arcade and YALM will be here to help keep you fed and watered throughout.

Running order of official celebrations:

10.30am – Morris Dancers begin at Gentleman’s Walk entrance

10.40am – Dignitaries assemble

10.50am – Jonathan Skipper speech about George Skipper

10.55am – Paul Dickson speech about George Skipper’s influence on Norwich architecture

11am – Lord Mayor/Sherriff speech about the importance of the Royal Arcade to Norwich

11.05am – Ribbon cut and cutting of birthday cake

11.10-11.30am Morris dancers continue

11.10am-1pm – Re-enactors promenade up and down Arcade

12-2pm – Gin and Tea Party hosted by G&G and Marmalades in centre of Arcade

Friday 24th May marks the 125th anniversary of the opening of the Royal Arcade in Norwich and there is plenty of celebrations going on in and around the arcade and YALM will be here to help keep you fed and watered throughout.

Running order of official celebrations:

10.30am – Morris Dancers begin at Gentleman’s Walk entrance

10.40am – Dignitaries assemble

10.50am – Jonathan Skipper speech about George Skipper

10.55am – Paul Dickson speech about George Skipper’s influence on Norwich architecture

11am – Lord Mayor/Sherriff speech about the importance of the Royal Arcade to Norwich

11.05am – Ribbon cut and cutting of birthday cake

11.10-11.30am Morris dancers continue

11.10am-1pm – Re-enactors promenade up and down Arcade

12-2pm – Gin and Tea Party hosted by G&G and Marmalades in centre of Arcade

125th Anniversary of the Royal Arcade

Friday 24th May marks the 125th anniversary of the opening of the Royal Arcade in Norwich and there is plenty of celebrations going on in and around the arcade and YALM will be here to help keep you fed and watered throughout.