This walking tour with Norwich tour guide, Paul Dickson celebrates the architectural legacy and career of the Norwich Victorian/Edwardian architect George Skipper.
The Royal Arcade, which marked its 125th anniversary last year, was one Skipper’s standout buildings.
Writer and poet, Sir John Betjeman writing about Skipper said:
“He is altogether remarkable and original. He was to Norwich what Gaudi was to Barcelona.”
We have organised 3 tour dates/times for you to chose from:
Tuesday 18th March 11am
Thursday 20th March 2pm
Sunday 23rd March 11am
Meet outside Surrey House, Surrey Street NR1 3NG at the time and date on your ticket. This walking tour will last roughly an hour.
The group will finish by walking through The Royal Arcade and commemorating the tour with a drink at Yalm’s Skippers Bar (included).
Tickets available from